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What Is A Man? Part 1_Introduction
What Is A Man? Part 1_Introduction
Beyond the Provider, Protector, and Producer: A Holistic View of Manhood On this episode of Essential Discourse Podcast, host Bruce Smith s…
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June 20, 2023

What Is A Man? Part 1_Introduction

What Is A Man? Part 1_Introduction

Beyond the Provider, Protector, and Producer: A Holistic View of Manhood

On this episode of Essential Discourse Podcast, host Bruce Smith seeks to answer the age-old question: "What is a Man?" Despite receiving fewer responses than he expected, Bruce delves deep into the subject matter through personal study, including reading various books and articles. He acknowledges that people will have different definitions of what it means to be a man, but takes a holistic perspective on the issue. This episode serves as an introduction to the upcoming series exploring what it means to be a man beyond traditional roles. Listeners are encouraged to join the Essential Discourse community and provide feedback. Tune in to this episode for an enlightening and thought-provoking conversation. 


Thanks for listening to the podcast. Follow me on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. Your comments about the podcast our welcomed.


Have you ever given any consideration to what a man really is?
Has anyone ever asked you what a man is? If I were to survey 100 people, I would not be surprised to get 100 different or vaguely similar responses to that question.

Most responses would likely include descriptives of traditional roles males have either been assigned, have assumed, have accepted, or have achieved.
This includes but is not limited to being a provider, being a protector, and being a
producer. However, these descriptions do not answer the question.

Many people would indicate physical attributes such as a male of a certain age and having a certain level of ability. Again, this response leaves the question unanswered as well.

The problem as I see it is that most people have never been taught or challenged to think about this question beneath the surface. Being a man must be more than being a male of a certain age who provides, protects, and produces.

In this series, I will answer the question, "What is a Man?" for myself with the hopes of
laying a foundation for others to discover the truth for themselves?

I'm Bruce Smith, and you're listening to the Essential Discourse Podcast.
You're listening to Essential Discourse with Bruce Smith.

This is the podcast that examines the perplexities of real life from a holistic perspective. Bruce is committed to delivering honest and crucial dialogue that is transformative and, with his guests, will not only identify problems, but also bring forward solutions that are Relevant, Restorative, Reasonable, and Reliable.
Thanks for listening. Let's return to the podcast. Here's your host, Bruce Smith.

Weeks ago, I asked my friends and or followers on social media for their definition of a
man. Specifically, "What is a Man"? Unsurprisingly, I received singular responses.
In fact, there were less than 10 responses across three different platforms that I frequent. Those platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Across these three platforms, I have thousands of friends and followers.
I expected that the responses would be few and or shallow.
I expected these responses due to the questions being both confrontational and demanding.

Confrontational because it forces one to really judge one's thought process, one's actions, and the framework of one's identity.
Demanding because nothing less than an honest, unbiased assessment will produce a meticulous definition for the term man and or manhood.
To state it plainly, to answer this question, one is required to put in work that will confront one's personal beliefs in respect to the lessons one has learned over time, social norms, and cultural traditions.

This is an uncomfortable level of confrontation and an unyielding demand for truth as it subpoenas relevant reflection, critical consideration, and an accurate analysis of the term man. And let's be honest, that's a lot of mental labor. That's a lot of mental labor for anyone who would genuinely and deliberately embark upon this endeavor to answer the question for themselves.

And no one has time for that, right? Or is it that very few people see the essential significance of having a well-defined individual answer for themselves in regard to "What is a Man?"

Since I couldn't get any help from my peeps on social media, I decided to do my own deep dive into the question. In conducting my personal study, I read several books, articles, and conducted interviews referencing the subject matter.
Books included What is a Man by Dr. Joaquin Molina, The King James, and Amplified Translations of the Bible. I read various articles from various producers of periodicals, such as The U.S. Guardian, Time, Reader's Digest, and so on and so forth.
In conducting my research in the quest for truth, I discovered this question, "What
is a Man?", is one that has been asked by many people around the world.
This revelation served as confirmation to me that this is not only a question of personal importance, but is also one that is important to the general public as well.

The truth up front is that our definitions will not be identical.
In fact, my definition today is subject to change as I reach higher levels of enlightenment. The definition of man on a personal level should be fluid and ever-evolving. While there are certain aspects of man and manhood that should remain consistent throughout every man's lifespan, the application of newly revealed truth should add layers on top of the fundamental truths and serve as companions that enhances one's apprehension, approach, administration, and appreciation for the man one currently is and the man one is becoming.

In sharing with you, I will be using a chronological approach. The following subtitles for each episode are as follows.
1. The origin of man.
2. From boys to men.
3. Misconceptions of a man and or manhood.
4. Discipline of a man.
5. The importance of man.

This episode is intended to serve as an introduction to this series.
I hope that your interest has been stimulated. I thank you for your willingness to take this journey of discovery with me. I look forward to reading your comments about the subject matter and feel free to invite others to not only listen but become a part of the Essential Discourse Community.

As always, I pray for the Lord's blessings of grace and peace upon your lives.
Again, my name is Bruce Smith and I thank you for the investment of time.

This concludes this episode of Essential Discourse with Bruce Smith.
We hope that your perspective has been elevated, that you have been edified, equipped, and encouraged as a result of listening today.

If you found value in this episode, please recommend this podcast to your friends, families, associates, and colleagues.

You can accomplish this by linking the podcast or podcast episode to your personal social media page. Your feedback and questions are welcomed.

Please utilize the Facebook business page Essential Discourse with Bruce Smith or the Facebook group page Essential Discourse Podcast Community to provide your feedback.

Additionally, please feel free to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your
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For additional information about the podcast, the host, guests, and more, please visit www.edpshow.com.

Until next time, remember, it's okay to extend yourself a measure of grace.
We learn to grow, we grow to mature, we mature to be perfected.
Thanks again for listening to Essential Discourse with Bruce Smith.
Thank you.